Sekanjabin Mint drink is one of the popular and traditional drinks in Iran mainly served in summertime.

This drink can be served with grated cucumber or with lemon or lime slices and fresh mint.
My mom always made this syrup at home and store it in the fridge. That was the first drink to be served before anything else, when we had guests in summertime.

The syrup is very sweet but the drink can be made according to your taste, so if you prefer less sweet then you can add more water when serving it. Keep in mind when making the syrup you have to stick with the amount of sugar in the recipe to get it the best result. I know summer is almost over, however you might have some fresh mint in your backyard still and this recipe can help to make a good use of it. Make Sekanjabin and store it in your fridge. It an last till next summer.
Fresh Mint 50 g (washed)
Sugar or honey 250g
Apple cider vinegar 30g
Water 3/4 cup
1. Boil water and sugar in a pot till sugar completely dissolved and then add the mints
2. Leave it boiling for a minute then start adding the vinegar slowly while stirring
3. Simmer for 2 more minutes
4. Remove it from heat and let the syrup steep for half an hour
5. Pass it through a strainer, pure it in a glass jar and store it in the fridge
6. To make the drink, add your desired amount of syrup in a glass cup, add water and ice
7. Add fresh mint and grated cucumber on top and serve it